Giant Isobot (Companion subtype)
The Giant Isopod is the larger variant of common Isobots. Being robotic isopods, they mostly eat junk. They're docile and don't tend to bite unless hungry.
AVAILABILITY: Semi-Closed (MYO required, must follow species rules, may be found in foraging and obtained through shops.)
- Must follow the phsyical traits. Giant Isobots have specific visual traits.
- Using a base to design is optional! There is a base provided in the link above.
- Segmented body, resembling a giant isopod.
- Must be made out of metal, plastic, or a similar inorganic material.
- A fin-like tail, can be fluffy or more simplified.
- Bolts/screws/nails on the side of the body on each segment.
- More than 6 legs.
- Two eyes, a mouth.
- Antennae are optional! They may be any style.
- Accessories may be added, but they cannot mimic Amicabot traits or obscure the design.
Additionally, Isobots may not have any Amicabot traits; they are technically traitless aside from what is listed above!
1 subtype found.